Rafal Rohozinski

Principal, The SecDev Group
Rafal Rohozinski is a senior fellow for Future Conflict and CyberSecurity at IISS and CEO of the SecDev Group. Rafal sits on the advisory committee of the UN Counterterrorism Executive Directorate(UNCTED) project on terrorist use of the Internet, and leads SecDev’s  research into social media and violent extremism. In 2016, Rafal led a UN study of terrorism and social media in Bangladesh.

Tattu Mambetalieva

Executive Director, CIIP

Tattu has led many policy processes and redrafting of legislation on lawful intercept, independent media and privacy. She served as an advisor to three Kyrgyz presidents, and has co-convened workshops and executed projects with a wide range of stakeholders including the Regional Commonwealth of Communications (ITU), OECD, UNDP, UNESCO, USAID, Google, and others.

Yulia Denisenko

Director, Association of Religious Study Centres

Yulia is a member of the Assembly of the Nations of Kazakhstan. A professional journalist focusing on religious issues, she works as a consultant and trainer on influence and prevention of socio-psychological manipulation in destructive groups.

Mirgul Karimova

Coordinator, Search for Common Ground

Mirgul heads a project on deradicalization in Kyrgyzstan via social media and alternative narratives. In the past, she supervised UN Women’s national research on women’s political participation, effects of labor migration on Kyrgyz families, and women’s economic empowerment. At OSCE, she worked to provide technical assistance to the Kyrgyz law enforcement agencies on community policing in cross-border regions.

Dr. Esen Usubaliev

Director, “Prudent Solutions” centre

In addition to managing the Prudent Solutions Analytical Centre, Esen is the editor-in-chief of International Observer journal. He’s an author of over 150 articles on regional security, religious extremism and terrorism in Central Asia.

Phil Gurski

President, Borealis Threat & Risk Consulting

Phil worked as a strategic analyst in the Canadian intelligence community for over 30 years, including 15 at CSIS, with assignments at Public Safety Canada and the Ontario Provincial Police . He specializes in radicalization and homegrown extremism.

Adam Hadley

Project Director, ICT4Peace Foundation

Adam runs a joint project with UN CTED concentrating on deepening understanding of private sector engagement in responding to terrorist use of ICT. In 2017 Adam will be leading Phase 2 of the UN CTED project which will include convening a series of global capacity building workshops and developing the knowledge-sharing platform for the use of governments and smaller ICT companies.

Gwenn Lainé

Deputy Head, The Stabilisation Network

Gwenn is running Counter-Violent Extremism campaigns aimed at understanding, monitoring and countering jihadist propaganda. Gwenn has 12 years experience in military diplomacy, intelligence and strategic communication in the French Navy, NATO and the EU. Passionate about Central Asia, his MA dissertation looked into the conditions, which led to the rise of the IMU.

Vafobek Barombekov

OSI AF Tajikistan Board Member

Professor Vafobek Barombekov works as the head of the Sociology Department at the Tajik National University. He is a member to the OSI AF Tajikistan Board. Dr Bahrombekov is the author of more than 30 scientific papers and five textbooks on sociology and social work, and co-author of three monographs including the Formation of Political Culture in Transition. His area of research covers also roots of youth radicalization in Tajikistan.

Parviz Mullojanov (Mullojonov)

Political scientist, Historian and Independent Researcher

Parviz Mullojanov (Mullojonov), Ph.D, a political scientist, historian and independent researcher from Tajikistan. Mr. Mullojanov holds Ph.D in Islamic studies from the University of Basel (Switzerland). He is senior adviser to the International Alert office in Tajikistan. Mr. Mullojanov is former Chairman of the Board of the OSI (Soros Foundation), Tajikistan. He is a former member of the Inter-Tajik Dialogue, a peaceful international civil initiative during the civil war in Tajikistan and former member of the EUCAM (EU and Central Asia Monitoring) research group. He worked for various international agencies and organizations such as Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, UNCHR, UNDP and ADB.

Ankhi Das

Director of Public Policy for Facebook in India and South & Central Asia

Ankhi Das is the Director of Public Policy for Facebook in India and South & Central Asia. With over 17 years of public policy and regulatory affairs experience in the technology sector, Ankhi’s primary responsibilities are to lead Facebook’s efforts on connectivity, Internet governance, promoting access and Open Internet, privacy, data security, safety issues and political risk management for the company. Ankhi is also the Vice-Chair of the USIBC Digital Economy Committee.

Prior to joining Facebook in 2011, Ankhi worked as the Public Policy Director for Microsoft in India. As a graduate of Loreto College, University of Calcutta, Ankhi has done post-graduate studies specializing in international relations and political science at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Anastassiya Reshetnyak

Research Fellow, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies

Anastassiya Reshetnyak works as a Research Fellow at the Department of Foreign Policy and International Security of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Anastassiya was also a research fellow at the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation Public Policy Initiative. Her research interests focus on international security, democratization, terrorism, radicalization.

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